Ivica Granić, winner of KOLOS – Engineering


In June 2022, as part of the 16th Day of the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers, held in Opatija from June 9 to 11, the KOLOS awards were awarded. The KOLOS award is given for a special contribution to the Chamber and its promotion in the country and abroad, for a contribution to the construction profession, and for the development of the construction industry.

Ivica Granić, B.Sc.Civil Engineering, Ivan Puđa, M.Sc.Aedif. and Gordan Čelar, B.Sc. construction the winners of the award for outstanding achievements in the field of work management, as work managers on the project of the construction of the mainland-Pelješac bridge with access roads

Granić, Puđa and Čelar solved engineering challenges every day, corresponded with the supervision teams and the client, created a healthy team atmosphere, carried out technical inspections of the building and kept a construction diary.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78NTJhlIKjc

Link: https://new.hkig.hr/Dani-HKIG/KOLOS/Nagrade-za-2022/

Link: https://likemetkovic.hr/portal/ivica-granic-dobitnik-godisnje-nagrade-kolos-hkig-a-za-vodenje-gradenja-peljeskog-mosta/

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/igranic_peljesacbridge-mostpeljeagpac-hkig-activity-6940672851771334656-MNrB?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Location: Opatija

Services on the project: Engineer, Works Manager

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In July 2022, the land bridge – Pelješac (Pelješki most) with access roads will be officially opened. Ivica Granić, B.Sc.Civil Engineering, as part of the